Free Your Space: Room-by-room Decluttering Tips

Room-by-room decluttering tips

Decluttering a home isn’t just about creating a cleaner space; it’s also a fantastic way to boost your mental wellbeing. That’s because research tells us that a cluttered environment can contribute to stress and anxiety. Cleaning to clear your mind of stress? Hear us out. 

By clearing out unnecessary items, you’re making room for calmness and focus to take their place. And, at least if that doesn’t work, you’ll at least have a clean home! It’s a win-win. With fewer things around, you’ll discover space you didn’t know you had – perfect for relaxing or even creating a new nook for your hobbies. Decluttering also enhances your home’s aesthetic appeal and makes it much easier to pack when moving house.

So, what’s next? You’ll need some decluttering tips! To make the decluttering process manageable, it’s a great idea to tackle your house room by room. This can prevent you from becoming overwhelmed and allows you to see your progress, which keeps you motivated. And let’s be honest, when it comes to decluttering and cleaning, most of us need all the motivation we can get! 

Ready to get started? The best things happen in the bedroom, so let’s head there.

How to declutter your bedroom

Ah, the bedroom – the place where relaxation and clutter often go head-to-head. To reclaim your space and turn it into a sanctuary, start with the biggest culprit: your clothes. Here’s how to declutter a wardrobe effectively:

Sort by season, condition and frequency of use: Take everything out and divide it into categories. If you haven’t worn something in more than a year, consider donating it. Keep your seasonal favourites at the front and stow the rest.

Organise like a pro: Folding and hanging are your best mates for keeping your clothes tidy. Use storage boxes for items you rarely wear, like your ‘just-in-case’ outfits (we all have those, right?). And don’t forget to label those boxes – you’ll thank yourself later!

Now, let’s declutter the rest of the bedroom:

Surfaces: Bedside tables often become the land of forgotten mugs, books and phone chargers. Clear them off and leave just the essentials. You’ll snuggle into bed with a renewed sense of calmness. 

Under-the-bed storage: It’s prime clutter real estate! Use storage bins for seasonal clothes or bedding. But remember, out of sight shouldn’t mean out of mind – keep it organised.

Finally, ensure your space remains a calming retreat by keeping things simple. Choose soft colours, minimal furniture and eliminate clutter that disrupts the peace. A decluttered bedroom equals a better night’s sleep!

The kitchen? Let’s go!

The kitchen might be the heart of the home, but it’s also where clutter loves to live. Start by reclaiming your kitchen benches from that army of unused gadgets. The old blender you’ve used twice? Time to donate it. Keep only the appliances that you use regularly. Go on, let them go. 

Clear out the pantry of out-of-date food, empty containers and whatever is lurking on the top shelf. When it comes to cupboards and the pantry, organisation is key. Don’t just shove everything back in after you’ve culled unwanted dishes, broken mugs and random lids. Organise! Use stackable containers to store dry goods, and don’t forget to add labels. Knowing where everything is means no more hunting for that elusive tin of tomatoes.

Now it’s time to tackle the fridge. Not literally. That would be silly (and we reckon the fridge would come out on top). Clear out those unplanned science experiments for those back shelves and get into the habit of grouping items together – think condiments on one shelf, dairy all together and leftovers in their own spot. Wipe down shelves regularly, or they’ll get as sticky as a pub floor.

Finally, the often-forgotten space: under the sink. Decluttering and organising this area can make all the difference. Use a tiered shelf or baskets to corral your cleaning supplies. That way, you can avoid the avalanche every time you reach for the Jif.And there you have it! By following these decluttering tips and organising tricks, your home will be well on its way to looking and feeling better than ever.

Decluttering the lounge room

The lounge room is where you kick back and relax – but clutter can really cramp your style. From coffee tables to TV stands and bookshelves, these surfaces often collect everything from remote controls to yesterday’s coffee cups. Let’s give your lounge a fresh start:

Coffee tables and TV stands: Magazines, coasters, books, yesterday’s cup of coffee. It’s a minefield. These surfaces are notorious for collecting random bits and bobs. Start by removing everything and putting back only what’s necessary – like your remotes (a tray for these works wonders). Leave room for a cup of tea and a good book, but keep it minimal for a sleek, clean look.

Bookshelves: Love to read but not so keen on dusting? It’s time for some serious book decluttering! Here’s what you need to know:

  • Separate by category: Fiction, non-fiction, old textbooks… you get the drift.
  • Sort and purge: If you’re never going to read that crime thriller again, donate it! (Check out our moving books guide for tips on donating or recycling).
  • Organise: Once you’ve done decluttering your books, arrange the remaining titles in a way that makes sense to you – by colour, genre or size. On the bookshelves, mix in a few decorative items like small plants or candles if that’s your jam, but don’t overcrowd them.

Bookworms – we know it’s hard to part with your beloved books, but we have faith in you! 

Entertainment units and cords: Let’s face it – cables are like wild vines, creeping all over the place. Use cable ties or cord organisers to keep them under control. For a neat look, label cables or invest in a cable box to hide the mess.

Lastly, keep your decorative clutter in check. A few well-placed items can add character, but too many can make the space feel cramped.

Now to the bathroom

Hands up, who’s guilty of product pileups? Bathrooms may be small, but they can pack a serious clutter punch. Get ready to say goodbye to that endless supply of half-empty bottles. It’s time to declutter and refresh your space. 

Benchtops and cabinets: Start by clearing off your benchtops. Keep only the essentials out (soap, toothbrushes and maybe a scented candle if you’re feeling fancy). Go through your cabinets and toss anything that’s expired or duplicated. That bottle of sunscreen from three summers ago? Say goodbye!

Organise toiletries and towels: Our top declutter tip? Baskets and drawer organisers will be your new best friends. Use them to keep everything neat and easy to find. Group like items together – hair products in one drawer, skincare in another. Add hooks or shelves to hang towels and hairdryers, saving you valuable cabinet space.

Clutter-free shower or bath: Ditch the row of old shampoo bottles! Use a caddy or built-in shelves to store your daily essentials. Keep it simple – shampoo, conditioner, soap, done.

If your bathroom is on the smaller side, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with some space-saving ideas. Maximise storage with over-the-door hooks or shelves, use the back of cabinet doors to store items like brushes or spare toilet rolls, and think vertically by adding shelves above the toilet or door.Keep these decluttering and organising tips in mind and your bathroom will feel bigger and better in no time.

Decluttering storage spaces

Storage spaces, whether it’s a wardrobe, cupboard or laundry, can quickly turn into a clutter jungle. But with a few simple tips, you can transform these chaotic areas into neatly organised spaces. Really, you can! Wardrobes and cupboards: Start by pulling everything out – yes, everything! Once you’ve got a blank slate, put back only the essentials. And group them into categories like everyday items, seasonal bedding and keepsakes.

Step-by-step decluttering:

  • Sort: Go through each item and separate them into piles – keep, recycle, donate or discard.
  • Categorise: Group similar items together (such as winter bedding, cleaning products, Christmas stuff, photo albums).
  • Decide: Be ruthless. If you haven’t used it in six months and it isn’t a family heirloom, it’s probably time to donate or toss it.
  • Organise: Use clear containers or baskets to store items, especially things you don’t need every day. Labelling is key! When everything has its place and is clearly marked, you’ll never have to dig through a pile of mystery boxes again. This method also works wonders in the laundry for detergents, cleaning products and odds and ends.

Declutter and organise the garage

Once you’re done decluttering your home, it’s time to heave up the roller door and tackle the garage. This space can be a magnet for all sorts of things – tools, sports gear, seasonal decorations, old toys. It’s an easy one to ignore, but it has to be done. Decluttering this space will not only make it easier to find things but also give you back the room for what garages were actually designed for – like parking your car!

Sorting through tools and equipment: Begin by taking inventory of everything in your garage. Sort items into categories. Are there any duplicates or broken tools? Time to let them go. For sports gear, keep only what’s still in use.

Vertical storage solutions: Garages are all about maximising space, and one of the best ways to do this is with vertical storage. Shelves, pegboards and hooks are your best friends here. Hang up bikes, gardening tools and anything else that takes up floor space.

Create zones: Divide your garage into functional zones, such as one area for gardening tools, another for car maintenance products and a spot for sports equipment. Keeping similar items together makes it easier to find what you need without rummaging through a sea of random boxes. By implementing these decluttering tips for hoarders (or anyone with a bit too much stuff!), your garage will go from chaotic to categorised, with everything in its place and easy to reach. Now that’s a win for both organisation and peace of mind!

Declutter and organise with TAXIBOX

When the stuff you can’t bear to part with starts to pile up, TAXIBOX is here to help. Whether you’re decluttering for a house move, needing to clean out for a renovation or simply want to clear out your wardrobe, TAXIBOX has the perfect storage solution. With our convenient mobile storage, we bring the storage right to your door – load it up, and we’ll take it away for safekeeping until you need it again. We can even transport it to your new address if you’re relocating. 

Tip! Check out our new customer portal feature that allows you to personalise your TAXIBOX experience! Instead of keeping track of boring numbers, you can give your TAXIBOX a nickname – like ‘Kitchen’ or ‘Bedroom’ – so you know exactly what’s inside each one. 

Yup, when you need help decluttering, we’ve got your back.

Decluttering mission accomplished

Decluttering mission accomplished? Well, almost – let’s not pretend that drawer full of mystery cables isn’t still lurking somewhere. But hey, progress is progress! Decluttering each room in your home isn’t just about tidying up; it’s about creating a more organised, peaceful and enjoyable environment to live in. By tackling clutter room by room, you’ll transform your home into one that works for you, not against you. 

Whether it’s a clutter-free bedroom that helps you unwind, a streamlined kitchen that makes cooking a breeze, or a neatly organised garage that frees up space, decluttering allows you to take control of your home and enjoy it to the fullest.

But remember, you don’t have to do it all at once. With these decluttering tips, you can take it one step at a time. Ready for your home to stop feeling like an obstacle course? Whether you’re tackling a full-on decluttering mission or just looking to make some extra space, TAXIBOX makes life easier. Got clutter? Get TAXIBOX!