How To Declutter To Move House

How to declutter to move house

Moving house is an exciting new chapter, but let’s be real, it’s also a big job. It might sound a little time-consuming, but decluttering before you move is actually crucial for saving time, money and headaches down the line. 

Whether you’re upsizing, downsizing or have some time between homes, decluttering will reduce the amount of stuff you have to pack, cut down on moving costs and make settling into your new home a breeze. Plus, it’s the perfect chance to start fresh without all the extra baggage (literally and figuratively!).

Depending on your situation, you’ll need different strategies for decluttering (our ultimate guide is super great, even if we do say so ourselves). Here’s everything you need to know about how to declutter to move house.

Why decluttering is essential when moving house

Decluttering before a move comes with some serious perks. 

Perk number one is pretty straightforward – the less you have to pack, the quicker the whole process will be. Fewer boxes mean fewer trips for your movers and lower costs (hello, savings!). Plus, when it comes to unpacking, you won’t be stuck with items you don’t actually need.

Perk number two is the emotional benefits of starting fresh in your new home. Moving provides a unique opportunity to let go of things that no longer serve you (and… breathe out). Whether it’s outdated furniture, clothes that have seen better days, or random items collecting dust, getting rid of them will give you more space and peace of mind.

Now that we’ve established that, exactly how do you declutter before moving house? First things first, set clear decluttering goals and create a moving checklist. Break it down into manageable sections – room by room or even drawer by drawer. Stay focused, and remember: the more you clear out, the less you have to carry into your new life!

Decluttering when downsizing

You’ve decided to scale back? Good for you! Downsizing can be both exciting and daunting. When moving to a smaller space, every centimetre counts, so it’s important to prioritise what to keep based on functionality and available space. Let’s break it down: 

Prioritise the essentials: Keep items that are practical and serve a purpose in your new home. Multifunctional furniture or pieces you genuinely love and use regularly are keepers. Outdated, broken and excess furniture, kitchen items and decor pieces are not.

Handling sentimental items: Downsizing doesn’t mean letting go of memories. Instead of keeping everything, choose a few meaningful pieces to keep. Consider digitising old photos or creating memory boxes to preserve cherished mementos without overwhelming your new space.

Decide what to donate, sell or discard: If an item no longer serves a purpose or doesn’t fit the vibe of your new home, let it go (let it goooo). Hold a garage sale, list items online or donate them to charity.

Lastly, space planning is key. Before decluttering to move house, measure your new home and visualise where your furniture and belongings will go. You could even sketch it out, if you consider yourself to be a bit of an artist. Having a plan will make the decision-making process easier as you let go of what won’t fit.

Decluttering when upsizing

Moving to a bigger home? It’s tempting to keep everything because you’ll have more space, but trust us, this is still a great time to declutter. Just because you’re upsizing doesn’t mean you shouldn’t declutter. You’ll go into your new space feeling lighter and fresher, and you’ll even have space to fit those few new bits and pieces that you’ve had your eye on! 

Focus on what’s no longer needed: Now’s the perfect time to replace that tired couch or worn-out kitchenware. Upsizing is a chance to refresh and upgrade rather than dragging your old clutter into a new space.

Organise for growth: Upsizing often means adding new furniture or decor pieces to your new home. Be strategic and identify what new items you’ll need, making sure there’s space for them.

Avoid the ‘just because’ trap: Just because you’ve got more room doesn’t mean you should keep everything. Stick to items that serve a purpose or spark joy (yes, Marie Kondo is onto something!). There’s no need to fill every corner just for the sake of it.

Decluttering when you have time between homes

If you’re lucky enough to have some extra time before moving, this is a golden opportunity to declutter at your own pace. TAXIBOX can be a game-changer here – store your items in a TAXIBOX and declutter bit by bit.

The great news is that we can drop off a TAXIBOX weekly, giving you time to tackle one area at a time without feeling rushed. Whether it’s the garage this week or the kitchen next, you can declutter gradually without overwhelm.

Wondering how to declutter for moving house when you’ve got some time up your sleeve?

Sort and categorise: As you declutter, sort items into categories – keep, sell, donate or store. This will help you stay organised and avoid feeling buried under a mountain of stuff.

Use this time to deep clean: With your belongings in storage, take the opportunity to deep clean and organise what’s left. By the time you move, everything you’re keeping will be ready to go.

Pro tip: In the midst of packing and moving, it’s easy to lose track of things – the day of the week, what you’ve done and haven’t done, your name… In all seriousness, though, we recommend that you create an inventory of stored items so you don’t lose track of what you’ve packed away. This will help avoid unnecessary duplicates or forgotten belongings down the road.

Decluttering when moving straight into your new home

Lucky enough to be moving straight into your new home? Woohoo! Of course, this does mean you have less time to organise, which is why being efficient is key.

Room-by-room decluttering for a house move: Focus on one room or category at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. This method helps keep things manageable, especially when you’re on a tight timeline. (Need more tips? Check out our room-by-room decluttering guide.)

Pack while you declutter: As you sort through items, pack them into labelled boxes for keeping, donating or discarding. This keeps everything streamlined and organised.

Make quick decisions: Time is precious, so be decisive about what stays and what goes. If it’s something you don’t love or use, let it go now to avoid moving it to your new home.If time’s really tight, consider using professional movers or packing services to handle the essentials while you focus on the nitty gritty.

Packing tips to stay organised and decluttered

Packing doesn’t have to be chaos. Truly! Here are some packing tips to help you stay organised along the way: 

Get some colour-coded labels: Assign a colour for each room and label boxes accordingly. This makes unpacking a breeze.

Use clear containers: These are perfect for keeping decluttered items visible and easy to locate in the chaos of moving.Create an ‘unpack first’ box: Pack a separate box with your essentials – think bedding, toiletries, chargers, important paperwork and medication – so you have everything you need when you first arrive without having to dig through endless boxes

Declutter and move with TAXIBOX

Decluttering before a move isn’t just practical, it’s a chance to start fresh, rethink your space and take only what’s truly valuable into your new home. 

Whether you’re upsizing, downsizing or somewhere in between, decluttering will help you save money, time and energy. Plus, with TAXIBOX’s solutions, you can declutter at your own pace and store your belongings safely until you’re ready for them. How easy is that!

Moving house is a big life change. Why not make the most of it by reassessing your belongings and lightening your load? And hey, we’d love to hear your tips! Share your favourite decluttering and moving hacks in the comments below. Got stuff? Need space? Get TAXIBOX!