Once you hit your mid-twenties, you start having interior design dreams you can’t shake. You binge a season of Grand Designs and before you know it, Kevin McCloud’s in your head, showing you how good your kitchen would look if you knocked that wall out… and we all know Kevin’s impossible to say no to. Suddenly, you’re making renovation plans like your life’s depending on it. Then comes the mess (and you suddenly need home renovation organisation to step in).
It doesn’t matter what you’re working on; whether you’ve started small with a new paint job or gone big with a brand new bathroom, you’re going to end up knee-deep in sawdust with a house full of tradies no matter what (but maybe you’re into that).
To keep your sanity intact, you have to make some space and manage your stuff with some home renovation organisation… before all the heavy machinery starts rolling in.
Find a Way to Thrive in the Chaos

No matter how many calendars you fill up and how closely you stick to your schedule, your renovation is going to be absolute chaos. There’s no way around it. It’s your job to figure out how to live with the kids chaos, or better yet, find a way to thrive in it.
After you’re done the obvious stuff (figured out how to keep your kids and your pets as far away from the reno zone as possible), you can start making some adjustments:
- Figure out which spaces can double-up (bedroom as living room)
- Abandon the kitchen, it’s never going to be fully operational, order pizza instead
- Maintain a space that’s dust-free and tools-free to save your sanity
- Don’t split your everyday stuff up — keep it all together in one room
Consider your timeline. How long is this project going to take? Be realistic. There’s a big difference between 2 weeks and a year. Make sure your home renovation organisation is going to match that (you can go without baking sheets for 2 weeks, but a year without biscuits is a bit of a stretch).
Categorise the Clutter
At some point during the renovation, everything will feel like clutter, even if it’s not clutter, because even the essential stuff starts to fall into piles that are getting moved room-to-room every time a tradie needs you to get your stuff out of the way.
Save yourself the headache by categorising everything:
- Category one: “I’ll need this throughout the reno”
- Category two: “I won’t need this much, but I’ll need it from time to time”
- Category three: “I definitely won’t be reaching for this”
- Category four: “I should’ve gotten rid of this a long time ago”
Keep your must-have stuff together to make sure it’s easy access all the time. That way, you won’t have to sort through the junk every time you need your essential stuff. Sounds simple, but trust us. It’ll save your head from blowing up.
Anything that falls into category three, you should store. If you’re not reaching for it, get it out of the way.
Sort out your essentials, then put all your non-essentials into our storage calculator.
Figure Out What’s Going to Make the Cut

To pull off a Grand Designs, Kevin McCloud approved renovation, you have to find furniture that actually fits. There’s a good chance your old couch is going to stand out like a sore thumb in your new living room, so why are you taking up valuable floor space on the off chance that it might work?
Do yourself a favour: start selling, donating and giving away stuff early. This rule applies to anything that you know isn’t going to work in your styled, updated space.
Pro-tip! Got stuff you think might work, but still not sure about? Store it elsewhere in a TAXIBOX until you know for sure. There’s no point having it take up space in the meantime.
Store your stuff until the project is over and done with.
Become Your Own Chief Logistics Officer

When you’re renovating, nothing stays put. You can’t lock anything down and you have to move your stuff elsewhere all the time. The best way to combat that is to become the chief logistics officer of your place; any time you have to move your stuff, you should be the one to map out the logistics.
Be smart about where things go and how easily you can move those things:
- Make sure your storage is compact and freely moving
- Stack your stuff well, don’t cram it all in a corner (you’ll have to unstack it later)
- Minimise your closet so your actual closet can be used as a safe zone
- Put all your stuff on wheels, thank us later
Get as Much as You Can, Gone

We’ve been going on and on and on about stuff eating up your space during a renovation. You’re probably thinking… surely there’s another way around this. Surely there’s a simpler solution. We’ve got good news. There is. Just put all your stuff in a TAXIBOX bet you didn’t see that one coming.
By putting all your stuff in a TAXIBOX, you can free up your home and give it the big home renovation organisation tick of approval. Keep things clutter-free, stress-free, and lugging-your-whole-life-room-to-room-free.
At TAXIBOX, we’ve got two solutions that are perfect for storing during renovations…
Storing at Yours
If you’ve got the room outside, you can store your stuff at yours, at home, where it’ll be easy access and out of the way. Out of sight, on-site. Our On-Site Storage is sturdier and more durable, so you can keep your stuff outdoors — rain, hail or shine — for as long as you need.
Our On-Site Storage BOXES are delivered the same way as our regular TAXIBOXES. We can deliver them to driveways, backyards, frontyards, carports, wherever. As long as you’re keeping your stuff with you, on private property, we can deliver it to you. All we need is the access.
If you’re DIYing, you can get an extra BOX to store your tools. Keep your renovation and your real life as separate as possible with A+ home renovation organisation.
Try On-Site Storage. Storage that stays with you.
Storing at Ours
If you don’t have space for On-Site Storage on your property, we can store your stuff at ours with Mobile Storage Box.
Get your TAXIBOX taken away. We’ll store your stuff at our facility, then redeliver it whenever the renovation is done, or whenever else you need it back. It’s that easy.
You can always get a TAXIBOX redelivered in short notice (we’ll bring the couch back when you realise you forgot you have nowhere to sit).
We deliver, you pack, we store (until you need it back).
Ace your home renovation organisation and get your tradies on your good side. Let us store your stuff. Get the stuff out of the way and the show on the road.